Gina Salā’s Awakening Voice Power of Love Sound School

Join us in the 2025 Awakening Voice Power of Love Sound School. Find out why people continue year after year. Experience directly the healing, bliss and transformation of your voice, profound sound and true, loving community!
Whatever your path or orientation, this is a good time to feel connected in loving, safe community and support in practices that help us feel the peace and power from within. You can still join this supportive, transformational, deep and fun 2025 Sound School. By request we are having an additional gathering to welcome those who had to miss one or more sessions. Please write for details.  Participate via zoom or in person. Recordings also provided for each session.

"[Sound School with Gina is] the most incredible experiences of my is my secret place that I go to be nourished and deepen in my personal practices." K. W., Founder of Conscious Calendars

Your voice is medicine, is holy, and so are you! All welcome, as life-long chanter and teacher for over 30 years, Gina Salā shares techniques and experiences from east and west that help us directly experience peace of mind, joy in the heart, healing, and empowerment through mantra, raga, voice empowerment, breathwork, dreamwork, energy exercises, writing, movement, fun group experiences and more. No experience or particular belief system needed. Come as you are, and experience directly the pleasure and power of your voice! Gina has led 23 year-long Awakening Voice Power of Love Sound Schools and the feedback is consistently so positive (testimonials below).  For more information write

Effects of the Awakening Voice Power of Love Sound School:

Mental: Experience great clarity of mind, inner spaciousness, creativity, and peace. Sound School sadhakas regularly say they experience greater inner spaciousness, a sense of time expanding and peace like never before in our practices together!

Emotional: Experience how songs and chants help us to meet, welcome, and release all that arises, including hurts long held. Meet with loving awareness, feel healing and renewal and joy!

 Physical: Experience directly your voice as an instrument of healing in tangible ways in Sound School. Every culture through time has used healing chants since time immemorial for healing and unifying both individually and in community. Experience it directly.

Spiritual:  No particular belief system or path needed. Being together in these sacred sound gatherings (online or in person) over time in a trusted container has a powerful effect and helps us build the capacity to open to Grace, to the Divine, to our true Essence. This is why spiritual communities have long gathered in sound and community. It happens again and again… together we deepen into direct experience of Who we are, beyond our limited ego-identity. Love and devotion arise naturally in our hearts. Whatever your path, you are welcome here.

Weekend Immersions :
Feb. 22, 23, 2025
May 31, June 1, 2025
Sept. 13,14, 2025
Dec. 13,14, 2025

3 Special On Line Sessions:
April 27, 2025
July 16, 2025
Dec. TBD Holiday Celebration

9 Midweek Zoom calls

For more information write:

Elements/Modalities You’ll Learn in Sound School :

Mantras are tools for the mind (manas-mind, tra- tool/liberation). These vibrational energy tools help us to witness, clear free limiting thoughts, impressions, memories, beliefs and patterns (samskaras). With gratitude to her teachers, Gina will guide you into an experience/ powerful “tool kit” of clearly transmitted mantras with precise pronunciation that can help bring healing on all levels (effecting neurological wiring, directing psychological energy, releasing obstructions, opening the heart and more). 

 Raga: Deep profound dhrupad raga singing. Ragas are the oldest forms of Indian classical singing – which color the mind in Divine awareness, moving us from personal to transpersonal and with connections to cycles of nature.

Bhakti chant/Stories: Feel how your heart is moved and opened in chants of love and devotion from many traditions, and the stories that speak to the deepest layers of our heart and being! Knowledge and love are two wings of the bird that open us to soar freely.

Cross-cultural healing Songs and songs for fun: Every culture uses songs for healing and for uniting, grieving, celebrating and giving thanks or just having fun! Experience the connecting joyful sounds together in community (we feel it online, too)!

Voice Empowerment:
Tools and guided experiences in freeing the voice from eastern and western modalities, that include the energetics of opening and liberating the voice!

 Breathwork: Breathwork that strengthens lungs, releases inner granthis “knots”), brings great insight and bliss!

Creativity, Rhythm, Dream Interpretation, Tools for Transformation for other modalities. Experience clearly a “heart song” come through you quickly and easily, play with the joy of rhythm as a part of life, gain tools based in hypnotherapy and neuroscience, dream interpretation,  as well as movement for rejuvenation and joy


 “Attending Sound School gatherings with Gina Salā and the community help provide me an energetic re-set, that helps me maintain a more centered, peaceful, and enthusiastic outlook on life. Gina Sala has honed the art and science of integrating, reciting and singing mantras into the very fabric of her being. And it shows. She teaches in a VERY supportive, funny encouraging, and spirit centered way. I love it.  Chanting and singing mantras is easy, fun, and incredibly effective at helping me maintain a more grounded, centered, peaceful – and even joyful outlook.  It truly is a simple practice that makes a huge difference in the quality of my life each and every day.” R.O., Musician, Business Owner, Healing Arts 

 "As a professional in the healing arts, I am picky about whom I choose as a mentor. It's important to me to be taught by a person of very high integrity. Gina Sala' is that person. With her confident guidance and radiance of love, I am exploring so much deeper than I have gone before with mantra and raga and it's wonderful to have it feel a part of me versus something I use and then set down. It feels "in" me now. Every time I meet with Gina's sound school I learn something about myself." A.K.Physical Therapy and Wellness.

“This gathering stirs the heart. Deeply touched by being in circle with voices across the planet. Nourishing, healing and just plain fun! Thank you, Gina.” - E.K.

“It’s just so inspiring to have somebody with such clarity, and enlightened wisdom and has walked the path of this sound and can lead you at every step of the way. And it’s just an amazing opportunity to develop your voice and find your voice and develop it and feel at ease and free with whatever comes up. With Gina you feel absolutely held in the most loving respectful way and encouraged to take the next step in your expansion.”  A.C., Paralegal, Musician

“Awaken your voice and heart with Gina Sala’s Sound School. Gina is an exquisite teacher who meets each student just where they’re at. Yogis….Deepen into your practice of mantra with Gina both with pronunciation of Sanskrit and the beauty of classical Indian singing. Paul T. and I are entering our third year with Gina. She offers it hybrid… so you can join wherever you are in the world. Heart opening and a sweet dear community of souls.” - A.G., Yoga Teacher, Nurse

“There is a connection that I didn't expect online!” S.G., Physical Therapist

ABOUT GINA SALĀ:  Gina Salā has been chanting since her childhood ashram years, and has been facilitating groups in sound for decades. With gratitude to Divine and her teachers, Gina draws from a lifetime of song and chant, practice as a certified hypnotherapist, and her own healing and spiritual journey in east and west, to lead retreats, sound schools, classes and private sessions internationally.  Her passion is helping us sing ourselves awake to, and build the capacity to more fully experience, Who we are. Please write to for more details about this year’s Awakening Voice Power of Love Sound School.