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Introduction to Mantra Practice for 2021 with Gina Salā

How we begin makes a difference! Whether you are new to mantra or would love to sink in and feel the benefit, welcome for a brief experiential workshop in the pleasure and liberating power of mantra. Gina Salā, who has been chanting mantra since her childhood ashram years, learning from her eminent Sanskrit guruji since 2005, and teaching for decades, shares a deeper understanding of these tools for the mind and guides a deep practice to help us align for the highest in 2021. All welcome, no experience or particular belief system needed.

Financial Energy Exchange- $30 (message if special needs/requests)

About Gina Sala:

Gina Salā has been chanting since her childhood ashram years. Mantra and Sacred Sound have been at the center of her life and practice for  most of her life. Her repertoire spans 23 languages and performance credits include Cirque du Soleil, the United Nations, festivals and more. She has deepened her practices living in a Tibetan monastery, and with her teachers including HWL Poonjaji, Pt Ritwik Sanyalji, Vagish Shastriji and more. With warmth, humor and devotion, Gina offers Indian raga singing, sound tantra, sanskrit mantra, cross-cultural healing songs and voice empowerment in her retreats, India tours, chant offerings,  retreats and online year-long Awakening Voice ™ sound school.