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Gina Salā 2021 Online Awakening Voice / Power of Love Sound School Level 1 First Immersive Weekend

  • Shoreline, WA United States (map)

Your voice is medicine. Join global vocalist/nada yogini Gina Salā an a transformative, empowering and heart-opening journey in sound in her year long online 2021 Awakening Voice/Power of Love Sound School. Learn and embody techniques that bring healing for ourselves and our community, release from emotional blocks, empowerment and joy and an experience of the Divine power within.   

In this first year Awakening Voice Sound School, Gina shares techniques and experiences in
• Nada yoga
• Sound tantra (including mantra, meditation and mudra) 
• Cross-cultural healing songs
• Vocal empowerment
• Precise Sanskrit pronunciation

• Liberating transpersonal processes
• Creativity
• Dream work

A wonderful community is forming for this 2021 Awakening Voice sound school and you are most welcome. As we see over and over, the deeper we go, the higher we soar. Transformation can be fun.

What people are saying about Gina’s Sound School:

“Being in Gina’s sound school is nourishing for my soul. The community she brings together is loving, compassionate, and uplifting. Gina conveys her vast knowledge of deep teachings in story and in song. She reminds us how all of our voices are instruments of the divine, and she has given me confidence to be heard.” AC

“I so adore my time with Gina! She arrives with depth and awareness. In an hour we covered a lot of vocal technique, but it came from a place of real connection as she listened and tracked what my voice was doing. It really amazes me that she can listen and know just how I am producing a sound and then give me guidance on how to shift that sound. She gives me an image or sensation to navigate toward and then again listens, and helps me refine. During our session I heard and felt myself producing sounds that I have not been able to find before. It's really magical!” G.O.

“These weekends are the fastest way in the world to see palpable transformation!!” A. B.

 “The weekend was life changing. I am so honored to spend such sacred time with you all!” M.M.

“I want to share with everyone one the most incredible experiences of my life - Sound School with Gina Salá. Joining this group gives me a place to show up and be nourished SO deeply, to be love, receive love, and revel in bliss with Gina's guidance to constantly find a way to find sweet simple transformation in song, in silence, in mantra, in witnessing the beauty of others. I cannot say enough about the gift that sound school is for me. Since you are in a group for an entire year, the depth of connection and relationships that are built are life-long and life changing. It is my secret place that I go to be nourished and deepen my personal practices at the same time.” K.W.

“Gina's gifts are such a blessing to all. Sound School has enriched my life in so many ways, not the least of which are the friendships that are so nourished.” J.R.

“Wonderful 4 year journey because of your gifts and wonderful facilitation skills dear Gina Salá. After a Sound School weekend, I can't stop the songs in my head. Waking up hearing new songs not born yet and replaying old songs sung and, always, hearing and loving what my teacher sings and shares. Love is always bigger than hate even if we don't see it yet, I believe.  So very grateful to Gina Salá and her teachings! “S.M.

“My beautiful, powerful, healing and inspiring Sound School cohort, with Gina Salá. We learn, practice, feel and share the power of Love through the vibrations of sound.” N.B.